Welcome to Metro Gem Consultants located in Bethesda Crossing in Bethesda, Maryland. If you are in Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Clarksburg, Germantown, Gaithersburg, Kensington, Olney, Potomac, Silver Spring, Wheaton in Montgomery County MD or in Northern Virginia, please contact us for your appraisals or watch repairs.
Appraisal Services:
- Expert Jewelry Appraisals for:
- Insurance
- Estate/Probate
- Liquidation
- Divorce
- Bankruptcy
- Pre-purchase Evaluations
- Resale Consultations
- All Work Performed on Premises While You Wait/Watch
Written Appraisals Start at $150
Verbal Consultations Start at $100
Watch / Watch Services:
- Discounters of Name Brand Watches
- Dealers in Modern, Previously Owned
and Vintage Timepieces - Watch Repair - Limited to Battery Changes and Band Alterations
- Expert Appraisals/Authentications
- Buyers of Modern and Vintage Watches

Coin Services:
- Expert Authentications and Identifications:
- Most U.S. and World Coins, Currency and Medals
- Appraisals for Insurance and Estates
- Resale and Brokering Consultations
- On-staff Numismatic Appraiser

- GIA & AGS Certified Diamonds
- N.Y. Broker Prices / Internet Prices
- Specializing in Ideal Cuts
- Call for Latest Quotes
- Fine Quality Diamond Stud Earrings
- Tennis Bracelets and Ring Mountings
- Fine Colored Gemstones Also Available

Appraiser on Staff: Thomas J. Terpilak
- Past Member: Appraisers Association of America (1991-2016)
- Past Member: American Society of Appraisers (1988-2016)
- Past Member: National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (1982-2015)
- Graduate Gemologist: Gemological Institute of America (GG)
- Fellow: Gemmological Association of Great Britain (FGA)
- Member: Accredited Gemologists Association
- Member: Jewelers of America
- Lic. Reg. #883